
Flicker Wild Church is a playful, poetic, and emergent community, seeking to host spiritual community in relationship & reciprocity with the more-than-human-world.

The Northern Flicker is the namesake bird of a place of spiritual pilgrimage for your host pastors, Madeline Island, Wisconsin, in Ojibwe, Mooniingwanekaaning, the place of the yellow-feathered Flicker. This is a migratory bird, who pops up in some of the most beautiful places in the world.

Similarly, we seek pilgrimage, beauty, liminality and finding community in a transitory world in a deeply local way.

We hope to pop-up & for you to pop-in and for us to have a sacred encounter.

No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.

🌈 🏳️‍⚧️

Flicker is hosted by the Rev. Dr. Julia Burkey & her spouse the Rev. Daniel Cooperrider, though their littles Reverie Faye & Kindred Praise are the true spiritual leaders.

Both Daniel & Julia are ordained UCC pastors who seek to awaken an ancient Earth honoring spirituality for planetary re-membering and healing through sacred gatherings, while dancing on the edges of the Jesus way.

Daniel is Author of 2023 Nautilus Gold Award winning book, "Speak with the Earth And It Will Teach You: A Field Guide to the Bible," and Julia serves as the Senior Pastor of Orchard Ridge United Church of Christ in Madison, Wisconsin.

Next Flicker

Join us for our next Flicker Wild Church sacred circle + wild wander!

WHEN: Fall Equinox - September 22, 5pm.

WHERE: Delma’s Shelter at the Pop’s Knoll parking area of Donald County Park in the beautiful Driftless Area of southwest Wisconsin, in the hills outside of Madison.

Bring a chair or blanket and dress for the elements! Potluck fellowship to follow - bring a dish to share!

Save the date

  • Samhain - November 1

  • Winter Solstice - December 21

Support Flicker

Be part of a movement towards planetary healing by supporting Flicker as we seek to cultivate a type of spiritual community that the earth is calling out for. Your gifts will go towards building up a generous budget to make Flicker vibrant and impactful in its witness and vision. Donations are tax-deductible through our fiscal sponsorship relationship with mission.earth, a 501(c)3 organization. Your gifts are WILDLY appreciated!

To donate by check: write the check to “Sponsor, Inc.” with “Flicker Wild Church” in the memo line. Mail to: 1257 Worcester Road, #312, Framingham, MA 01701